🎉 Welcome to PseudocodePro 🧑🏻‍💻

Execute and test your pseudocode directly in your browser

For the Cambridge 0478 IGCSE, 2210 O-Level & 9618 A-Level qualifications

Open Code Editor

Features | About | FAQs

Site Features:

  • 💻 Downloadable desktop & mobile app
  • 📃 Exam-starter code for all past-papers
  • 🥇 410 Interesting practice activities of various difficulties (updated weekly and will have 500+ total)
  • 🔎 User-submitted programs
  • 🌟 Code-suggestions/auto-complete
  • 🌈 Syntax Highlighting
  • 🚩 Error messages & positions
  • 🖋️ Automatically-generate exportable trace tables
  • 💾 Loading/saving/sharing/uploading programs
  • ✨ Pretty-printing
  • ⌨️ Keyboard shortcuts
  • 🎨 Changing appearance - font size, theme, layout etc
  • 📺 Fullscreen & 📱 mobile support
  • 🛡️ Private uploads accessible across devices (e.g. home vs school)

Pseudocode Support

  • 📦 Variables & Constants
  • ➕ Arithmetic & Logical Operators
  • ❓❌ IF/ELSE & CASE
  • 🔢 ARRAYs
  • 📒 TYPEs (Records & Enums)
  • 📄 File Handling (Text & RANDOM)
  • 🧩 Object-Oriented Programming
  • 🪣 Sets

PseudocodePro allows you to write and execute pseudocode directly in the browser. It was primarily designed for students taking either the Cambridge 0478 IGCSE, 2210 O-Level or 9618 A-Level course, though others can still find use in this site, so long as the pseudocode they write abides by the syntax

The following resources might also be useful:

In the future, support for syntaxes of different courses might be added - if you have a specific request, then please contact me

Improvements & future features

🎁 The site is worked on daily, with new versions of the site usually pushed several times per week - so there is always something to look forward to :)

Again, if you have any suggestions, issues or feedback, please let me know.

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