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{"0":"Algorithms","1":"Selection","2":"Iteration","3":"Arrays","4":"Records","5":"ENUMs","6":"Custom Modules","7":"Files","8":"Object-Oriented Programming","9":"Abstract Data Types","10":"Sets","11":"Pointers","12":"Recursion","13":"Exam Questions","14":"Games","15":"Mathematics","16":"Art","17":"Utilities","18":"Other"}

Welcome to Pseudocode Pro

This site was developed to solve the problems of students either being completely stuck with pseudocode, or attempting a solution, but having no way of actually validating if it would work (other than a manual trace table). This site supports the entire Cambridge IGCSE (0478), O-Level (2210) and 9618 A-Level pseudocode specifications from the guide/syllabus, with extension modules supporting sound, canvas, events, custom html etc

Below are lists of both the currently support pseudocode and general website features:

  • 📦 Variables & Constants
  • ➕ Arithmetic & Logical Operators
  • ❓❌ IF/ELSE & CASE
  • 🔢 ARRAYs
  • 📒 TYPEs (Records & Enums)
  • 📄 File Handling (Text & RANDOM)
  • 🧩 Object-Oriented Programming
  • 🪣 Sets
  • 👉 Pointers
  • --- Extra Non-Syllabus Features ---
  • 🔊 Sound
  • 🎨 Canvas
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  • 🖥️ Custom HTML
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  • 🚩 Error messages & positions
  • 💾 Loading/saving/sharing/uploading programs
  • 🥇 Interesting practice activities of various difficulties (updated daily and will have 500+ total)
  • 📆 Monthly challenges
  • 📖 Past paper PDFs & bundles
  • ✨ Pretty-printing
  • ⌨️ Keyboard shortcuts
  • 🎨 Changing appearance - font size, theme, layout etc
  • 📺 Fullscreen & 📱 mobile support
  • 🎓 Syllabus-specific behaviour
  • ☕ Pseudocode to Java converter

Additional programs uploaded by the community can be found on the search page.

While you are here, why not try one of the many - and ever increasing list of - pseudocode coding challenges.

To support hosting & domain costs, for $2, a premium account can be purchased - this has the following benefits:

Those last 2 features are currently in progress, so an extra 3 months free will be given to anyone who buys a license now to acknowledge this

For any issues, feature requests, comments etc, you can contact me

Token List

Work in progress: some buttons currently don't work...just select "All"

Token Description Example Parameters

Thanks for using the site - I hope you enjoy it and if you do, it would mean a lot if you could share it with your friends too :)

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{"c":"\/\/ * Code Author: \n\/\/ * Date: 2025\/01\/29\n\/\/ * Description: You have three characters, Mage, Thief and Knight. Choose one, well actually the game chooses, and the game explains the rest. Enjoy!\n\/\/ * Categories: Games\n\n\/\/ Declare variables\r\nDECLARE Player1Class : STRING\r\nDECLARE Player2Class : STRING\r\nDECLARE Player3Class : STRING\r\nDECLARE KnightHealth : INTEGER\r\nDECLARE ThiefHealth : INTEGER\r\nDECLARE MageHealth : INTEGER\r\nDECLARE KnightGold : INTEGER\r\nDECLARE ThiefGold : INTEGER\r\nDECLARE MageGold : INTEGER\r\nDECLARE KnightAlliedWithMage : BOOLEAN\r\nDECLARE ThiefAlliedWithMage : BOOLEAN\r\nDECLARE PlayerChoice : INTEGER\r\nDECLARE RiddleAnswer : STRING\r\nDECLARE ShadowKnightHealth : INTEGER\r\nDECLARE TurnCounter : INTEGER\r\nDECLARE RiddleIndex : INTEGER\r\n\r\n\/\/ Constants\r\nCONSTANT MaxHealth <- 100\r\nCONSTANT MaxGold <- 100\r\nCONSTANT HealthLoss <- 20\r\nCONSTANT TreasureReward <- 50\r\n\r\n\/\/ Initialize players\r\nOUTPUT \"Player 1, choose your class: Knight\"\r\nINPUT Player1Class\r\nOUTPUT \"Player 2, choose your class: Thief\"\r\nINPUT Player2Class\r\nOUTPUT \"Player 3, choose your class: Mage\"\r\nINPUT Player3Class\r\n\r\n\/\/ Set initial stats\r\nKnightHealth <- MaxHealth\r\nThiefHealth <- MaxHealth\r\nMageHealth <- MaxHealth\r\nKnightGold <- 50\r\nThiefGold <- 50\r\nMageGold <- 50\r\nKnightAlliedWithMage <- FALSE\r\nThiefAlliedWithMage <- FALSE\r\nShadowKnightHealth <- 120\r\nTurnCounter <- 0\r\n\r\nOUTPUT \"The Labyrinth of Chaos begins! Players take turns navigating the maze.\"\r\n\r\n\/\/ Define riddles\r\nDECLARE Riddles : ARRAY[1:10] OF STRING\r\nDECLARE Answers : ARRAY[1:10] OF STRING\r\nRiddles[1] <- \"What has to be broken before you can use it?\"\r\nAnswers[1] <- \"egg\"\r\nRiddles[2] <- \"I\u2019m tall when I\u2019m young, and I\u2019m short when I\u2019m old. What am I?\"\r\nAnswers[2] <- \"candle\"\r\nRiddles[3] <- \"What is full of holes but still holds water?\"\r\nAnswers[3] <- \"sponge\"\r\nRiddles[4] <- \"What question can you never answer yes to?\"\r\nAnswers[4] <- \"are you asleep\"\r\nRiddles[5] <- \"What is always in front of you but can\u2019t be seen?\"\r\nAnswers[5] <- \"future\"\r\n\r\n\/\/ Function to calculate fight outcome based on health\r\nFUNCTION Fight(AttackerHealth : INTEGER, DefenderHealth : INTEGER) RETURNS BOOLEAN\r\n DECLARE WinChance : REAL\r\n WinChance <- AttackerHealth \/ (AttackerHealth + DefenderHealth)\r\n IF RANDOM() < WinChance THEN\r\n RETURN TRUE \/\/ Attacker wins\r\n ELSE\r\n RETURN FALSE \/\/ Defender wins\r\n ENDIF\r\nENDFUNCTION\r\n\r\n\/\/ Main game loop\r\nWHILE TurnCounter < 10 AND (KnightHealth > 0 OR ThiefHealth > 0 OR MageHealth > 0) DO\r\n TurnCounter <- TurnCounter + 1\r\n OUTPUT \"Turn \" & TurnCounter\r\n\r\n \/\/ Knight's turn (if alive)\r\n IF KnightHealth > 0 THEN\r\n OUTPUT \"Knight's turn. Choose your action:\"\r\n OUTPUT \"1. Challenge Thief to 1v1\"\r\n OUTPUT \"2. Challenge Mage to 1v1\"\r\n OUTPUT \"3. Forge alliance with Mage\"\r\n OUTPUT \"4. Take Gold\"\r\n INPUT PlayerChoice\r\n\r\n IF PlayerChoice = 1 THEN\r\n IF Fight(KnightHealth, ThiefHealth) THEN\r\n OUTPUT \"The Knight wins! The Thief loses 20 health.\"\r\n ThiefHealth <- ThiefHealth - HealthLoss\r\n ELSE\r\n OUTPUT \"The Thief wins! The Knight loses 20 health.\"\r\n KnightHealth <- KnightHealth - HealthLoss\r\n ENDIF\r\n ELSE\r\n IF PlayerChoice = 2 THEN\r\n IF Fight(KnightHealth, MageHealth) THEN\r\n OUTPUT \"The Knight wins! The Mage loses 20 health.\"\r\n MageHealth <- MageHealth - HealthLoss\r\n ELSE\r\n OUTPUT \"The Mage wins! The Knight loses 20 health.\"\r\n KnightHealth <- KnightHealth - HealthLoss\r\n ENDIF\r\n ELSE\r\n IF PlayerChoice = 3 THEN\r\n OUTPUT \"The Knight asks the Mage for an alliance.\"\r\n OUTPUT \"Mage, do you accept? (1: Yes, 2: No)\"\r\n INPUT PlayerChoice\r\n IF PlayerChoice = 1 THEN\r\n OUTPUT \"The Mage accepts the alliance! The Thief loses 20 health.\"\r\n ThiefHealth <- ThiefHealth - HealthLoss\r\n KnightAlliedWithMage <- TRUE\r\n ELSE\r\n OUTPUT \"The Mage refuses.\"\r\n ENDIF\r\n ELSE\r\n IF PlayerChoice = 4 THEN\r\n KnightGold <- KnightGold + 20\r\n OUTPUT \"The Knight takes 20 gold!\"\r\n ENDIF\r\n ENDIF\r\n ENDIF\r\n ENDIF\r\n ENDIF\r\n\r\n \/\/ Thief's turn (if alive)\r\n IF ThiefHealth > 0 THEN\r\n OUTPUT \"Thief's turn. Choose your action:\"\r\n OUTPUT \"1. Steal gold from Knight\"\r\n OUTPUT \"2. Attack Mage\"\r\n OUTPUT \"3. Set a trap for the Knight\"\r\n INPUT PlayerChoice\r\n\r\n IF PlayerChoice = 1 THEN\r\n OUTPUT \"The Thief steals 20 gold from the Knight!\"\r\n KnightGold <- KnightGold - 20\r\n ThiefGold <- ThiefGold + 20\r\n ELSE\r\n IF PlayerChoice = 2 THEN\r\n IF Fight(ThiefHealth, MageHealth) THEN\r\n OUTPUT \"The Thief wins! The Mage loses 20 health.\"\r\n MageHealth <- MageHealth - HealthLoss\r\n ELSE\r\n OUTPUT \"The Mage wins! The Thief loses 20 health.\"\r\n ThiefHealth <- ThiefHealth - HealthLoss\r\n ENDIF\r\n ELSE\r\n IF PlayerChoice = 3 THEN\r\n OUTPUT \"The Thief sets a trap!\"\r\n RiddleIndex <- ROUND(RANDOM() * 5 + 1, 0)\r\n OUTPUT Riddles[RiddleIndex]\r\n OUTPUT \"Knight, enter your answer:\"\r\n INPUT RiddleAnswer\r\n IF LCASE(RiddleAnswer) = Answers[RiddleIndex] THEN\r\n OUTPUT \"Knight answered correctly and gains 20 health!\"\r\n KnightHealth <- KnightHealth + HealthLoss\r\n ELSE\r\n OUTPUT \"Knight answered wrongly and loses 20 health!\"\r\n KnightHealth <- KnightHealth - HealthLoss\r\n ENDIF\r\n ENDIF\r\n ENDIF\r\n ENDIF\r\n ENDIF\r\n\r\n \/\/ Mage's turn (if alive)\r\n IF MageHealth > 0 THEN\r\n OUTPUT \"Mage's turn. Choose your action:\"\r\n OUTPUT \"1. Forge alliance with Knight or Thief\"\r\n OUTPUT \"2. Harm another player\"\r\n INPUT PlayerChoice\r\n\r\n IF PlayerChoice = 1 THEN\r\n OUTPUT \"Mage, choose who to ally with: 1. Knight 2. Thief\"\r\n INPUT PlayerChoice\r\n IF PlayerChoice = 1 THEN\r\n KnightAlliedWithMage <- TRUE\r\n OUTPUT \"Mage allies with the Knight!\"\r\n ELSE\r\n ThiefAlliedWithMage <- TRUE\r\n OUTPUT \"Mage allies with the Thief!\"\r\n ENDIF\r\n ELSE\r\n IF PlayerChoice = 2 THEN\r\n OUTPUT \"Mage, choose who to harm: 1. Knight 2. Thief\"\r\n INPUT PlayerChoice\r\n IF PlayerChoice = 1 THEN\r\n OUTPUT \"Mage attacks the Knight! Knight loses 20 health!\"\r\n KnightHealth <- KnightHealth - HealthLoss\r\n ELSE\r\n OUTPUT \"Mage attacks the Thief! Thief loses 20 health!\"\r\n ThiefHealth <- ThiefHealth - HealthLoss\r\n ENDIF\r\n ENDIF\r\n ENDIF\r\n ENDIF\r\n\r\n \/\/ Display player stats after every turn\r\n OUTPUT \"End of Turn \" & TurnCounter\r\n OUTPUT \"Knight - Health: \" & KnightHealth & \", Gold: \" & KnightGold\r\n OUTPUT \"Thief - Health: \" & ThiefHealth & \", Gold: \" & ThiefGold\r\n OUTPUT \"Mage - Health: \" & MageHealth & \", Gold: \" & MageGold\r\nENDWHILE\r\n","t":"Labyrinth Chaos"}