Challenge 26


Word Stemmer

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For data analysis, indexing/searching and other tasks, we often want to 'stem' words - this involves reducing them to their base form. Taking the example of searching, this ensures a user can type different variations (tenses, plurality etc) and still find valid matches. Your job is to create a function that takes a word and stems it according to the following simple rules


stem("walk") returns "walk"

stem("walked") returns "walk"

stem("walker") returns "walk"

stem("walking") returns "walk"

stem("quickly") returns "quick"

stem("apples") returns "apple"

stem("candies") returns "candy"


These are some simple stemming rules. Search online to find some more stemming rules and implement them - here is the .txt version ( of the original Porter stemmer paper. Steps 1a to 5b towards the middle-end of the document have the rules


IGCSE 0478 / O-Level 2210 A-Level 9618