Challenge 40
"Encryption" - Caesar Cipher
During the Roman empire, Julius Caesar
In this encryption algorithm, a shift amount is required - for example, if the shift amount is 3, then each character would be shifted 3 places. See below for examples:
You should implement functions to both encrypt and decrypt
Spaces should remain unchanged
encrypt("ab c de", 1) would return "bc d ef"
decrypt("bc d ef", 1) would return "ab c de"
encrypt("abc", 3) would return "def"
decrypt("def", 3) would return "abc"
encrypt("xyz", 3) would return "{|}"
decrypt("{|}", 3) would return "xyz"
Note: in this simple example, wrap-around isn't required
Implement wrap-around - i.e. after reaching z, we go back to a. This should work for both uppercase and lowcase letters. For example encrypt("xyz XYZ") should return "abc ABC"
Add support for signed numbers - i.e. "FF" would no longer be 255...but now -1