Question 1

Find the city with the latitude 34.7167 and longitude 137.733 - take the 2nd letter

Question 2

Find the country in which the city Hermanus is in - take the 1st letter

Question 3

Find the country in which Belgrade is the capital - take the 1st letter

Question 4

Get all the cities within 1 degree of the equator and with a latitude between -78 and -79 degrees - find the most populous city and take the first letter

Question 5

Find the most southernly city - take one instance of the letter between the two "i"'s in the 2nd word

Question 6

Find the country of the most northerly city - take the vowel that appears twice in the country's name

Question 7

Find the 3rd most populous city in the country whose ISO2 abbreviation is "EG" - take the last letter

Question 8

Find the country starts with an "H", then has an "i" later in it's name - take the 2nd to last letter

Question 9

Group the cities by country and sum the city's population (i.e. calculate the total population for every city, in that particular country) - order from most to least populous, taking the 1st letter of the 4th most populous country (according to this data)

Question 10

Order the countries descendingly by the number of cities they contain with more than 1 million people - take the top 6 countries and choose the letter that 4 of these top 6 end with

Question 11

Get the least populated primary capitals and country they belong to - take the last letter of the 2nd word of the country whose name contains the name of a gift-giving festival

Solved it?
Unlucky...that's not right!

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