Tutorial 3


Arithmetic Operators

0478 IGCSE

Within our programs, we will often have to perform calculations - this is where we need arithmetic (mathematical) operators. Most everyone should already know, a few perhaps not


All Operators

Let's see the 7 arithmetic operators in IG - note that DIV and MOD are functions for IG

  • +: addition
  • -: subtraction
  • *: multiplication
  • /: division
  • ^: exponentiation (power)
  • DIV: returns the quotient of one number divided by another - i.e. how many times the number can be wholly divided by the other
  • MOD: returns the remainder after the integer division (DIV)

People often get confused about DIV and MOD - imagine sharing 14 slices of pizza among 5 people:

  • DIV(14, 5) = 2 - i.e. how many whole slices each person gets
  • MOD(14, 5) = 4 - i.e. how many slices are left over, after everyone has been given their 2 whole slices
DECLARE a, b : INTEGER a <-- 6 b <-- 4 OUTPUT a + b OUTPUT a - b OUTPUT a * b OUTPUT a / b OUTPUT DIV(a, b) OUTPUT MOD(a, b) OUTPUT a ^ b


Favourite Numbers

Create a program that asks the user to enter their 3 favourite numbers, then will output the result of each arithmetic operation on all 3 of them - i.e. adding all 3, subtracting all 3 etc

DECLARE a, b, c : INTEGER OUTPUT "Enter first number" INPUT a OUTPUT "Enter second number" INPUT b OUTPUT "Enter third number" INPUT c OUTPUT a + b + c OUTPUT a - b - c OUTPUT a * b * c OUTPUT a / b / c OUTPUT DIV(DIV(a, b), c) OUTPUT MOD(MOD(a, b), c) OUTPUT a ^ b ^ c