Tutorial 4
Logical Operators
0478 IGCSE
While by themselves, they are not overly useful, when used to execute specific code based on a condition (if statement) or to continue looping based on the value of a certain condition, then logical operators become crucial
All Operators
There are 6 logical operators:
- =: equal to
- >: greater than
- >=: greater than or equal to
- <: less than
- <=: less than or equal to
- <>: not equal to
OUTPUT 1 = 2
OUTPUT 1 <> 2
OUTPUT 2 > 2
OUTPUT 2 >= 2
OUTPUT 2 < 2
OUTPUT 2 <= 2
Other Data Types
Create a program that asks a user to enter two strings and output the result of all logical comparisons, as in the previous example. Then try with other data types like CHARs and BOOLEANs
DECLARE str1, str2 : STRING
OUTPUT "Enter first string"
INPUT str1
OUTPUT "Enter second string"
INPUT str2
OUTPUT str1 = str2
OUTPUT str1 <> str2
OUTPUT str1 > str2
OUTPUT str1 >= str2
OUTPUT str1 < str2
OUTPUT str1 <= str2
Why do you think "abc" > "ABC"?
Hint: think of the ASCII codes: "abc" = 97, 98, 99...while "ABC" = 65, 66, 67 - so a string comparison can simply compare the ASCII code of each character, one by one