Tutorial 8
9618 A-Level
So far we have just looked at how to store single values in variables or constants - if we need to store multiple values of the same data type, we can use arrays
Some advantages of arrays:
- Can easily loop over them - for assigning, inputting, calculating the min/max/mean/total, searching, sorting, filtering etc
- Less tedious and more flexible than having to create 100s of variables for our data
Declaration & Assignment - 1D Arrays
The general syntax for declaring an array is as follows:
DECLARE <identifier> : ARRAY[<dimensions>] OF <data type>
Note: "dimensions" should be integer pairs in the form <lower bound>:<upper bound>
Below we declare and assign to a 1D array of strings, with 5 elements - a 1D array is a simple list of elements
Declaration & Assignment - 2D Arrays
While sometimes a 1D array is appropriate, sometimes we might want a 2D array which can be though of as a combination of rows and columns - much like a spreadsheet
For example, assume we want to store both the person's first and last name in separate, easily accessible locations - in our spreadsheet analogy, we can create a 2D array with 5 rows to store our 5 people and 2 columns to store the first & last name respectively
The other example can be used to declare a 3x3 grid for a simple board game like noughts and crosses - in this example, let's use a loop to automatically assign a space character to represent an available cell in the board grid
Note: the order you access elements is row, column, which is the opposite to e.g. x, y co-ordinates in maths - the acronym I remember being told at school to remember this was roman catholic to remember the "rc" order - an alternate acronym could be remote control
Outputting Arrays - 1D
In pseudocode, you can't simply use OUTPUT arr to output the contents of an array - Cambridge want you to learn how output actually works - i.e. by looping through each element
Note: for IGCSE/O-Level, they will usually tell you the length of the array is either stored in some variable/constant - e.g. NumberOfPeople or you can infer it from the question - e.g. "hourly temperatures are taken daily" which indicates you need a 7x24 or 24x7 2D array. One question - presumably by mistake - they didn't give any way of determining the length of the array - in that case, you can just make up some variable/constant and pretend that stores the length in the 15 marker
Outputting Arrays - 2D
In this case, since we only have 2 columns, we can access them directly - if we had a large number of columns, we could use a nested loop, looping through the rows in the outer loop, then the columns in the inner loop
Min, Max, Sum, Mean
Many IGCSE/O-Level 15 markers and some A-Level questions require us to calculate the minimum, maximum, sum and mean of all numbers in an array
Looking at the code below, note:
- We assign min & max as being the first element - this is since, e.g. if giving min a huge default value, then if all values happened to be larger than this, we would think the min was this default value we initially assigned it - same for max, if we chose a small/negative initial value, but the real values all happened to be less than it
- We then loop through all elements in the array
- Min: if the current element is smaller than the current minimum, then set this current element as the new minimum
- Max: if the current element is bigger than the current maximum, then set this current element as the new maximum
- Sum: add each element to the sum
- Mean: divide the sum by the number of elements
- Note: in this example, we could have also assigned sum to be the first element, then started our loop from element 2
Linear Search
Often we want to search to see whether a specific value exists in an array - we can use linear search to do that:
- Initialise an index variable to point to first element in array
- Loop through array element-by-element
- If current element if is the value we are searching for, then update flag/return TRUE if in a function etc
- If item hasn't been found after looping through all elements in the array, then we know the item doesn't exist
Note: we can also write this as a function, returning TRUE if we find the item, while returning FALSE is we have looped through the entire array and not found the item
Bubble Sort
In order to sort an array in either ascending or descending order, we can use bubble sort:
- Assume array is unsorted and loop to the n-1 position (e.g. 1 to 4, if 5 elements) in the array on the first iteration
- Compare elements pair by pair - if in the wrong order (i.e. if current element bigger than next element for ascending order...or current element smaller than next for descending order), then swap them by making use of a temporary variable
- If elements are not sorted after looping over all pairs, then go back to the start
More detailed comments can be seen in the code
Note: when we swap, we need the temporary variable - this is since if we do a <-- b, both variables now have the same value at this point - b <-- a will be redundant - hence why we need to move one value into a temporary variable before we update it, then assign this temporary variable value to the other variable. Drawing a picture with arrows representing the assignments between 3 variables can help with understanding.
Test Scores
Create a program to ask the user to enter the names (can't be empty) and test scores (validated between 0-100) of 5 students - then:
- Count the number of students who passed (scored 50% or more)
- Display the students in descending order of grades
- Display the min, max, sum and total of all the marks
- Ask the user to enter a specific student's name, then output their score, or an error message if they don't exist
Golf Tournament
A golf tournament consists of 4 days - each day, the player will have a score (total number of shots) - your program should
- Ask the player to enter the scores for each of the 4 days - the score should be at least 18, symbolising the technically possible, but realistically impossible feat of achieving 18 holes in one
- Output the lowest, highest, average daily scores, as well as their overall total score for the 4 day competition